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All You Need To Know About Longspan Shelving Units

· Longspan Brisbane,Longspan Shelving,Shelving

Longspan shelving units are always in demand, thanks to their features like flexibility, strength and cost-effectiveness, apart from being the ideal solution for the long run.

Ideally, suited for any type or size of goods, these shelving units do not occupy much floor space which makes them the best choice for retail and industrial houses with space constraints.

Moreover, installing these shelving units is amazingly simple and does not require expert help, and it tends to be rapidly and effortlessly assembled and disassembled.

Types of Longspan shelving units

  • Steel shelves

For those heavy-duty displays in retail industries, steel is considered as the most popular material used in retail display shelves. These shelves are durable and long-lasting; hence, are also popular as warehouse & basement storage solution. The height of these shelving systems can be altered offering additional flexibility.

  • Wooden shelves

These shelves can be found in a lot of places like factories, workshops, offices, homes, schools, etc. The wooden Longspan shelving is cost-effective when compared to steel shelves, but is durable and flexible like the former. Like the steel racking solution, the height is adjustable; thereby making it one of the best storage shelving units for both commercial and industrial use.

  • Mesh shelves

This type is considered as one of the most beneficial materials when contrasted with the other three kinds of racking because of its fire safety potentials. Besides, these are most appropriate as retail display shelves as they do not accumulate dust and looks better compared to other types.

Benefits of Longspan shelving units

  • Lightweight yet study 

Irrespective of the type of shelving you use, Longspan Brisbane are sturdy, lightweight and durable. This makes it simple to move around to suit your needs. The steel Longspan shelves can hold approximately 500 Kgs of weight and don't rust.  

  • Flexible 

The height of these shelving units can be easily adjusted and can be customised to the size of the material you want to store.

  • Saves space

You can efficiently utilise the space by going vertical by having these multi-storied shelving units.

In conclusion, these above-stated are some of the things you need to know about Longspan shelving.